
Using your Mind as a Tool

Using the Mind as a Tool
So who took time each day to create a visualization of your new healthy body? Who did it during the day and who made a set time to do it every day? I am asking this because I did both. I set up a time every day and it was right before I went to bed and when I remembered during the day I would picture my healthy body when I was working or driving even when I was going to the bathroom.

When I tell people this and they say they don’t have the time, I reply then you’re not sick enough yet. I didn’t understand this back then but I know it now, don’t let fear be the thing that keeps you sick. Not understanding something that can be remedied. Stepping outside your comfort zone can be uncomfortable but with time it becomes comfortable. However, not trying to reinforces your illness.

When I started this I had nothing to lose. I was still fearful and uncomfortable so I told my wife and no one else. In this day and age, you hear about meditation and stress relief every day. So finding information on meditation is nothing but a couple keystrokes. However, word to the wise stick with me for a while, because if you’re new to meditation, meditation is a deep rabbit hole. So, before you start researching and get overwhelmed please stick with me, and after you are healed then research all you want.

So what does a healthy body look like? My healthy body looked like I was never sick, I added muscles and abs and made myself into what I want. My life was absent from sickness. I was responsible like every other healthy person. I had to take my life back and that included the things I didn’t want to do and used my illness as an excuse. Think about that statement. I couldn’t use my illness as an excuse.

What is going to be your sign that you’re improving? I wanted to live symptom-free, no cramps, no flare-ups, no blood, weight gain, be able to go to work every day, and a solid bowel movement in the toilet. I didn’t do like most people picturing a doctor saying I was healed. That going to take time. But, live symptom-free I had in 6 months. Because my goal was seeing a bowel movement in the toilet and I saw that in 6 months after 5 years suffering. I think I would have done better if I had instructions but someone has to be the first.

This is what I believe. The mind runs the body, science has proven the mine doesn’t know the difference between seen or visualized information. If the mind runs the body, the body seeing the new visualization of a healthy body is going to start turning the body’s visuals of illness into visuals of health. Like turning a big boat it’s going to change course and start repairing the body into the healthy vision it’s seeing every day. So stay the course.

In this week’s assignment if you choose to accept it, do a 10-minute humming meditation every day this week. At the end of the 10 minutes visualize your new healthy body and life. Here is a link to my Website Inner Body Healing Arts just follow the instructions to the humming meditation file.
Click here https://innerbodyhealingarts.wixsite.com/innerbo…/meditation


Harvesting The Healing Mind

Harvesting the Healing Mind

Today we are going to get past the stigma of the word meditation. When I say the word meditation and people who are not familiar or don’t understand what meditation is might get the wrong idea and think they are joining a cult or doing something mystical or going against their belief systems. Even after I post this some people are still going to believe that, and that fine. For those of you who are still reading this great let’s get to business.

Meditation is another word for really focusing your mind. There is a thousand way to do this. We focus our minds every day. The media does it for us every day. They use pleasant pictures and comforting music showing you how your life going to be during a commercial for medicine and the side effects are going to melt your insides. The news posting a banner of Breaking News on the bottom of your screen and you stare at it waiting for the news. Volume on your TV going up during a commercial, using flashing colors and lights to catching your eye. The newscasters timing how they speak and communicate by using calculated voice patterns. There is a whole science behind getting the viewers to watching their program and keeping them watching. Because it’s not the show they care about it, it’s the companies buying time during the show to sell their products. These company selling products have only so much time to get into your head. If you want to read more about this it’s an interesting subject.

However, let’s get down to business. Right now how do you focus on your illness? Think about it are you sick hoping to get well? Are you healthy waiting for your body to catch up to your thinking?
That what I am referring to. The doctor told me there was no cure, anyone else? He lined up my possible treatments medicine, medicine, medicine, and then surgery. Well, I got all the way up to surgery and then said no. How far are you on this list?

The mind controls the body. People have told you, you are sick and you believe you are sick, are you sick? Yes, because you believe you are. What if you didn’t listen and you told your body you were healthy what do you think would happen? That what I did 30 years ago and I have been symptom-free for 30 years.

I started reading about visualization and how to picture something I wanted in a positive way. However, I had problems focusing my mind for more than a second when I started learning about mediation.

I will write another post soon explaining more so stay tuned. For now, start picturing your future without illness throughout the day.

Here are the rules:

1. Your visualization or picture is about your complete health.
2. You only see it until you don’t. Be patient
3. Don’t be afraid to build on your visualization every day in a positive manner. Dream Baby Dream until its completely real!
4. Do it every day even if you have to set time aside to practice.

If you have questions reach out. Also if you have a sick friend but not Crohn’s or Colitis share this with them. I believe it could make any one’s life better. I believe the mind controls your body I think we need to listen. The question I asked myself so many years ago. Why is my body fighting against me? Why is my body screaming at me? What is in my life causing such a Dis-ease? God doesn’t make junk.


Take the Leap! Guided Healing Visualization download now available.

The mind is a powerful tool. When I was sick with Crohn’s Colitis, I couldn’t understand why my body turned on me. I couldn’t understand how in one years’ time my body of 18 years which was healthy and perfect became sick and malnourished.
I was lucky enough to have people in my life that told me point blank “screw your head on tight.” At first,I took that as an insult, but that nagging question was still in the back of my head. (Why did my body turn on me?)
That how my amazing adventure began with that simple question. It’s now over 30 years later living a symptom free life and still living this amazing adventure called life. I have talked about the power of meditation and visualization on my blog, Facebook page, and in my book, I Healed My Crohn’s Colitis.
I have recorded a simple guided healing visualization so you, too, can have a greater understanding of how can use visualization to create health back into your life or anything else that you want in your life. The download is available at my website: www.InnerBodyHealingArts.com
My hope is that by downloading this file you an example of what a healing guide visualization is, how it works through simply following it, and finally moving from the recording and creating your own visualization in your mind and performing it every day to create the life you want to live. With this practice you will have a tool to help you build health.
I know I make it sound simple. I have been where you are. Take the leap.
